Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS, is a condition that impacts thousands of womenof a reproductive age.
This medical condition causes small cysts to develop around the ovaries which can cause excess amounts of androgen (a male hormone) to enter the bloodstream. Women who suffer from PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), can suddenly seemingly out of the blue, develop thick dark hairs on the face, chest, and tummy areas.
Interestingly, both men and women are born with around the same number of hair follicles as each other. When girls reach puberty they will continue to grow vellus hair (soft light peach-fuzz types of hairs) on their bodies while. Meanwhile, boys of the same age will start producing more male hormones which turn these same hairs into thick and dark terminal hairs.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
In PCOS, the excess production of androgen in women triggers this identical process that occurs in teenage boys. Likewise, the normal vellus hairs turn terminal and they cannot return to their previous fine, light state. With the PCOS treatments excess body and facial hair might only slow down hair growth but not stop it entirely.
Often the best way to get rid of the unwanted hair permanently is through Electrolysis hair removal.
Also with electrolysis we can permanently remove the light blond vellus hair around your problem area too, prevent any future hair darkening. Something laser is unable to do.
“Dig a little deeper and find out what is driving your PCOS symptoms and work on that. BLOOD SUGAR is a big contributing factor to PCOS”
– From Womans Natural Path
As electrologists that has many PCOS clients, we can take a look at your excess hair and advise you as to what is not normal or not normal but we are not able to diagnose hormonal issues.
If you do have PCOS, we will gladly help guide you through your options to permanently remove the unwanted facial and body hair. It is important to understand that hormone levels in the body need to be controlled for permanent hair removal.
If you do not balance your androgens, you may see hair regrowth even with frequent Electrolysis hair removal treatments.
For additional information and support go to the PCOS Awareness Association website.